MOBISTYLE Consumers Advisory Board
One of key elements of the MOBISTYLE approach and methodology is that the work is concentrated on five study and demonstration cases as real life environments. For all cases a commitment has been given by the owners/managers or other relevant involved organisations and persons. In order to limit the size of the consortium and to work in an efficient way, these partners are not full contractors but are represented in the MOBISTYLE Consumers Advisory Board (MCAB).
The MCAB board is split in two working groups:
- The first group is the core group with owners/managers or other relevant involved organisations and persons directly involved in the five demonstration cases.
- The second group is a group of important advisors for the project from the most relevant target groups like consumers organisations and European Branch Associations (REHVA, eu.ESCO, eu.BAC).
Furthermore, for a maximum impact and to ensure that the final results (tools, methodologies, services) are useful and meaningful for the target groups, representatives from these groups are actively involved throughout the project.
After the target groups and the potential business cases were identified, different organizations and companies fitting into these groups were contacted to start further discussions. Several organizations and commercial companies around Europe have expressed their interest in the MOBISTYLE approach by signing a Letter of Support (LoS).
The MCAB interest was expressed by 33 organizations signing Letters of Support (LoS):
- Manufacturers (11): Elgato EveHome, GDC Telecom/Fibaro, bGRID, Leapcraft, Velux, Inap, S-Labs, Lerta, Netatmo, Schneider Electric, Leanheat;
· Voluntary certification schemes (1): Active House Alliance (AHA);
· Industry associations (5): eu.bac, eu.esco, EHPA, smartEN, EuroHeat&Power;
· Professional associations (3): Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations (REHVA), Housing Europe (HE), Architects' Council of Europe (ACE);
· Property owners associations (1): UIPI;
· Consumers associations (2): Citizens Advice, BEUC;
· Anthropology institutes (1): Institute of Anthropology F. I. Rainer of the Romanian Academy;
· Healthcare associations (1): EFA - European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients' Associations+
· Utilities (4): Engie Lab, e.on, Alliander, Mälarenergi;
· Real estate developers (1): Skanska;
· Building services designers, contractors (2): S.C. PRODAO-ING S.R.L.; Israelian ESD esd-env.
· Municipalities (1): Municipality of Munich.
The first MCAB gathering event was organized during the Active House Alliance Symposium, 8 November 2018, Lecco Italy. Discussions with 14 members took place – representatives of Leapcraft, ACE, AHA, REHVA, eu.BAC and S.C. PRODAO-ING S.R.L. The MOBISTYLE consortium was represented by the members of the coordinator (Ana Tisov), people-centric and occupant behaviour approach (Simona d'Oca), multidisciplinary MOBISTYLE methodology (Andrei Litiu), MOBISTYLE ICT solutions – game, dashboard as Open Users Platform (Eva Coscia), demonstration case representative (Per Heiselberg) and Marco Signa, representing the consortium partner Whirlpool.
The discussion with the MCAB members resulted in valuable feedback and input for the MOBISTYLE team in relation to business case development. As the project was then two years on its way, the outcomes of the discussion serve as an input for improving the current solution development. Afterwards, the MOBISTYLE team translated these key takeaways from these discussions into specific requirements for the MOBISTYLE Platform and the different modules.
Through facilitating a workshop with an open discussion between the MCAB members, the team would like to come to a further exchange of ideas, discuss the usability of the improved MOBISTYLE solutions and discuss the MOBISTYLE exploitation strategy with these important market players from the MCAB.
Afterwards it was agreed to continue the communication online/via phone when necessary. Stakeholders taking part in MOBISTYLE Consumers Advisory Board (MCAB) – Group 2 were consulted regularly to discuss the MOBISTYLE progress, results and business models.
Second MCAB gathering took place as part the international conference CLIMA 2019 (26-29 May 2019, Bucharest, Romania) where MOBISTYLE project beside organizing a workshop also organized informal MCAB gathering after the MOBISTYLE-TripleA-reno workshop on 27 May 2019. More information about the workshop is available on REHVA website:
A concluding MOBISTYLE physical MCAB event would take place in spring 2020 to conclude the MCAB activities in a physical setting. Nevertheless, due to COVID-19 this was not possible. Instead 4 closed MCAB webinars were organized to give MCAB members an opportunity to discuss commercial interests for each of the developed MOBISTYLE tools:
• MOBISTYLE Game by Huygen - 12h00-13h00 CEST 3rd Feb 2020
• MOBISTYLE Expert tool by DEMO - 12h00-13h00 CEST 9th June 2020
• MOBISTYLE Dashboard by HOLONIX - 12h00-13h00 CEST 11th June 2020
• MOBISTYLE Game by HIGHSKILLZ - 12h00-13h00 CEST 18th June 2020