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MOBISTYLE final webinars recordings


​In this BUILD-UP webinars we presented the final results of  MOBISTYLE. There were two sessions: 

Programme on 22 June: An overview of interdisciplinary MOBISTYLE methodological approach spanning from anthropological, data-KPI developments and dynamic environment profiles.

Programme on 23 June: Insights into the developed MOBISTYLE ICT tools: Dashboard, Game, Office app and Expert tool. 

You can still watch the recordings: 

Webinar | H2020 MOBISTYLE - Showcase of the final results


Don’t miss the MOBISTYLE Final Public event on 22 and 23 June 2020

22 June – 10:00-11:30 CEST and
23 June – 12:00-13:30 CEST

We will present the final results as part of two 1.5 h EU_BUILD UP webinar sessions

22 June: An overview of interdisciplinary MOBISTYLE methodological approach spanning from anthropological, data-KPI developments and dynamic environment profiles.
23 June: Insights into the developed MOBISTYLE ICT tools: Dashboard, Game, Office app and Expert tool. 

Don’t miss this chance to learn and register today! 

ASSIST has joined Hero at Home!


We’re happy to announce that ASSIST will join the Hero at Home campaign. In April, the four European projects MOBISTYLE, Utilitee, TripleA-reno and eTEACHER launched the social campaign #HeroAtHome.

People worldwide are spending their days at home. This is a new challenge for everybody, for our health and our job. #HeroAtHome shows how we can be heroes in the comfort of our homes. From ventilating your home to unplugging electronic devices, from paying attention to ergonomics to the need to keep your thermostat down, Hero at Home is providing helpful and simple tips to help you save energy and stay healthy and productive in the time of coronavirus. And now we’re are very happy that the knowledge from ASSIST will be added to the Hero at Home campaign as well! That way, we can help even more people.

Don’t miss any of our tips and follow Hero at Home on Twitter @Hero_atHome and Instagram @Hero_At_Home


Webinar | How to operate and use building services during the COVID-19 crisis

A BUILD UP webinar by REHVA and MOBISTYLE. In April 2020, this webinar explored with top experts key notions about indoor environments (Indoor Environmental Quality, IEQ), how building services can help prevention and mitigation today and furthermore enable and facilitate the lockdown reversal, and how to best let go of our old habits and create new long-lasting ones good especially during times of crisis and moreover always for maximising health, wellbeing, productivity etc.
Watch the webinar on Youtube



MOBISTYLE held a webinar to pitch the office app used in the Netherlands in February 2020. You can still see the webinar on YouTube

How to stay energy-efficient, healthy and productive in times of lockdown


People worldwide are spending their days at home. This is a new challenge for everybody, for our health and our job. #HeroAtHome is the new social campaign launched jointly by four EU projects to show how we can be heroes in the comfort of our homes. 


Companies all over the world are rolling out mandatory work-from-home policies to tackle the current COVID-19 emergency; and those who are not working remotely, are anyway spending most of their time at home. What's sure is that everybody is new to this lockdown situation and we all have most probably to adapt our habits to the new setting. The current emergency is challenging our mental and physical health, our work productivity and, last but not least, our energy bill. Indeed, spending more time at home means also using more energy than usual.

To help you figure out how to overcome this unprecedented situation, the four European projects MOBISTYLE, Utilitee, TripleA-reno and eTEACHER are launching the social campaign #HeroAtHome.

From ventilating your home to unplugging electronic devices, from paying attention to ergonomics to the need to keep your thermostat down, the four projects will provide helpful and simple tips to help you save energy and stay healthy and productive in the time of coronavirus.

The campaign will pose questions and provide simple tips through real-life pictures, encouraging messages, and graphic animation. Dedicated Twitter @Hero_atHome and Instagram @Hero_At_Home accounts were opened to share our heroes' stories and feel less isolated and more united.

So instead of letting the situation overwhelm you, follow our stories and share your #HeroAtHome side with our community, others could benefit from your advice.

Take part, be a hero.

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MOBISTYLE at UM project leaders day


​Prof Dr. Wouter van Marken Lichtenbelt presented MOBISTYLE last week at the yearly meeting of project managers of real estate of Dutch Universities! It was an inspiring day where also Drive 0 was presented in a workshop about circular building. 

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Webinar | 5 European projects with its innovative ICT solutions for energy savings in the spotlight


MOBISTYLE was part of a webinar with the coordinators of European Research Projects that are aiming to achieve a behavior change for energy saving through innovative IT solutions. You can still see the webinar on YouTube

MOBISTYLE Slovenian story


Prof. Klementina Zupan told us her MOBISTYLE experience. Take a look at this amazing video about MOBISTYLE demonstration in Slovenia.

Brightlands Masterclass: Healthy buildings


We gave a masterclass at the Brightlands Chemelot Campus and also talked about the MOBISTYLE solutions & campaigns. We talked about healthy buildings (& building users!), our research and of course: How can we improve our health and productivity together? 

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The 6th MOBISTYLE newsletter is out!


​The 6th MOBISTYLE newsletter is out! In this newsletter we'll update you on how some of the MOBISTYLE solutions are used right now.   

Read our newsletter                                                                                        

Temperature training pitch


​We did pitch about temperature training at faculty of Economics in Slovenia in the frame of breakfast organized by the dean.  

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Training on MOBISTYLE method for public buildings managers


November 26th IRI UL - Institute for Innovation and Development of University of Ljubljana  took part in a workshop 'Saving Energy in public institutions'. We gave a training on the MOBISTYLE method for public buildings managers and representatives of public institutions. Points that were discussed were: 

  • The importance of reducing energy use and efficiency,
  • Case studies at local and national level,
  • Effective tools and models operating in public administration,
  • How to improve energy performance within your institution,
  • Temperature training,
  • Players who can help you innovate and take action within your organization.

Read all about it on the website of Care4climate (in Slovenian). You can also have a look all the slides, or directly check out the slides about MOBISTYLE

 . training on MOBISTYLE method for public buildings managers.JPG

Jeffrey Workshop in Beer Sheva, Israel


The Drive 0 and MOBISTYLE project took part in the 6th Jeffrey Workshop in Beer Sheva, Israel 25-26 Nov 2019. Our project coordinators from Huygen Installatie Adviseurs represented these two projects. It is great honor and opportunity to share the projects methodology and results (so far) with the experts and attendees of the workshop dedicated to zero energy settlements and architecture in desert environment. Furthermore, lessons learnt from the ZERO-PLUS project are looked closely. Let’s see how we can inspire and learn from each other while addressing completely different climates.




​We visited ECOMONDO in Rimini, Italy on November 7th. ECOMONDO is the leading euro-mediterranean area green and circular economy expo celebrated in Rimini (Italy) that brings together all sectors of the circular economy in a single platform: from material and energy recovery to sustainable development. ECOMONDO is considered a reference point in the international panorama, where all the leading companies of the sector can meet and discover the trends, innovations and new technologies and exchange views with sector professionals.   

We showed the video of the Dutch demonstration case and demonstrated the dashboard we use in the Netherlands. 


Take a look at our Dutch demonstration case!

We all want to be healthier and more productive in our environment right? But how? Recently we started in the office of Huygen with dynamic indoor climate applications to see how such conditions affect people’s well-being, productivity and as well building’s energy performance. 

Furthermore, we developed the MOBISTYLE Office application for the Dutch demonstration case. This application aims to improve the users awareness. With its tips and information provision, it improves energy efficiency and productivity in the offices. The application introduces users to the dynamic indoor conditions in a for them understandable way. It makes the invisible interactions between the building and occupants visible to them, the building users. The application educates people about the benefits of the dynamic conditions: improved personal health, the building’s energy efficiency and improved indoor quality. The testings in the Huygen office are ongoing but the building occupants experience so far is promising.

We will keep you updated on the progress and relevant results coming from this demo site. For now, take a look at the demo site in this video and follow us on social media or request more information at: ;

Exploitation of the European Research Projects Aiming to Achieve a Behavior Change for Energy Saving Through Innovative IT Solutions


At Sustainable Places Conference 2019 a workshop was held to present the business value proposition of the projects BENEFFICE, enCOMPASS, MOBISTYLE and UtilitEE. To ensure exploitation and further uptake of the project results, EC provided Support Services for Exploitation of Research Results (SSERR). 
To learn about the outcomes of the workshop on how the research projects were pitched, read the paper on:

Our Slovenian Demonstration case


At the University of Ljubljana (UL) all faculties joined a campaign to promote a healthy lifestyle and reduce energy consumption. The campaign was prepared through the MOBISTYLE partner, IRI-UL, on the basis of a study analyzing satisfaction with the work environment in relation to health and energy. The first among the MOBISTYLE awareness campaigns is running at the Faculty of Arts - We use stairs

Here's an impression of how we're sharing the MOBISTYLE view & tips in our Slovenian demonstration case!

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MOBISTYLE at Sustainable Places 2019


As part of the Sustainable Places event, conference held between 5-7 June 2019 in Cagliari a pitching event of three H2020 projects: MOBISTYLE, UtilitEE and enCOMPASS, took place where business cases from these research projects having the same objectives were pitched. The MOBISTYLE project was the initiator of this event where Dr Alessia Melasecche from META group (SSERR service supported by European Commission) provided professional support, guidance and moderated the pitching event. MOBISTYLE team really appreciated the feedbacks received and find this support very beneficial. It helps us to improve the MOBISTYLE exploitation strategy as business value proposition and how to sell our results better. The MOBISTYLE pitch was about the business case of the MOBISTYLE Platform. The MOBISTYLE Platform offers an ecosystem where suppliers can improve their businesses by correlating their products data.  A platform that heals the fragmentation of data, connects it in one data lake and allows new information extraction by advanced data analytics. The gathered data (energy and IEQ (Indoor Environmental Quality)) is interpreted and available in one unique point, the MOBISTYLE Platform. This data is translated in information useful for users and given to the users via people-centric based services and tools that help people to achieve a long-term behavioural change improving their building's energy consumption, indoor comfort and personal health.

We also showed the 360 degrees video of our Dutch demonstration case. Check out the pictures of our pitch, presentation and sharing the 360 degrees experience. 

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MOBISTYLE at Clima 2019


The MOBISTYLE-TripleA-reno workshop on ‘’Why people matter?’’ was held at the CLIMA Conference that took place in Bucharest, 26-29 June 2019. The objective of the workshop was to explain and discuss with the audience (mostly engineers) on why people should be taken into the design process when designing technologies and building systems. Nowadays, many people are saturated with technologies and feel quite often irritated by it. For this reason, MOBISTYLE adopts calm technology principles. Instead trying to fight the technology that interrupts and intrudes our lives, in MOBISTYLE project we think how we can use it to improve our lives, personal behavior affecting building’s energy, indoor environmental quality and in the end our personal well-being and health. 

In MOBISTYLE we develop ICT solutions that give feedback to users on how their actions indoors affects the building’s energy usage, surrounding indoor climate and personal health. With that, we aim to educate people on how and why they are consuming energy since often they are not aware their behavior results in wasteful energy usage. This is done according to the building and users needs. The workshop participants were introduced to the storytelling approach where they explained their personal stories and reflected on their everyday life. Furthermore, by using the heros’s journey they were encouraged to brainstorm on how MOBISTYLE could help them towards the better. The same approach was introduced for the MOBISTYLE demonstration sites with actual building occupants to define the functionalities of the MOBISTYLE ICT solutions.

Webinar on Building Operation and User Experience key to Enhanced Building Performance


Don't miss the EU BUILD UP webinar on Building Operation and User Experience key to Enhanced Building Performance. During this webinar, we will also talk about MOBISTYLE! Save the date: May 20th from 12.00 - 13.30. You can sign up now.

5th MOBISTYLE Newsletter is out!


Please find the latest MOBISTYLE Newsletter here

In this edition, we introduce the MOBISTYLE dashboard & game. We are also showing you the Dutch demonstration case in a 360 degrees video. 

360 video Dutch demonstration case


​For the Dutch demonstration case, Qeske, we made a 360 video to show what we measured and how we did it! Watch the video to find out more. 

Don't miss our MOBISTYLE webinar


Don't miss our MOBISTYLE webinar on February 28th at 15:00. Grounded in MOBISTYLE ideas, visions, and approach, this webinar will brainstorm on current and future challenges in the area of Building Automation and Control Systems (BACS) encouraging behavioural change. Also, it will present actionable new ideas that could help improve H2020 projects' progress and maximize the European replication impacts. Don't miss this chance to learn more about the project and subscribe to the webinar today:

MOBISTYLE article in the last issue of the REHVA Journal 2018


The H2020 MOBISTYLE project is presented in the last issue of this year’s REHVA Journal. The article is now freely available on the REHVA website at this link, pages 11-16 Introduction to the H2020 MOBISTYLE Project. Sounds like a great Christmas holiday reading when looking for some new inspiration for 2019! MOBISTYLE team wishes you warm Christmas holidays and good start in 2019.

4th MOBISTYLE Newsletter is out!


Please find the latest MOBISTYLE Newsletter here:


In this edition, we introduce the five demonstration sites and MOBISTYLE case specific objectives. Also you can find out what happened since the last newsletter and which are the upcoming MOBISTYLE events.

1st meeting of the MOBISTYLE Consumers Advisory Board, Nov 2018


Active House Alliance as a member of the MOBISTYLE Consumers Advisory Board (MCAB) invited the MOBISTYLE consortium to host a breakout session during the 6th Active House Alliance Symposium in Italy, Lecco on 7-8 November in 2018.

On November 8, the first MCAB meeting was organized as part of the symposium where discussions with members took place – representatives of Leapcraft, ACE, AHA, REHVA, eu.BAC and S.C. PRODAO-ING S.R.L. The MOBISTYLE consortium was represented by the members of the coordinator (Ana Tisov), people-centric and occupant behavior approach (Simona d’Oca), multidisciplinary MOBISTYLE methodology (Andrei Litiu), MOBISTYLE ICT solutions – game, dashboard as Open Users Platform (Eva Coscia), demonstration case representative (Per Heiselberg). Furthermore, Marco Signa, representing the consortium partner Whirlpool, presented to the commercial companies first MOBISTYLE exploitation ideas and how the data could be used to create new valuable information by correlation individual products data (usage and behavior) and aggregating it to discover macro common patterns.


The discussion with the MCAB members resulted in valuable feedback and input for the MOBISTYLE team in relation to business case development. As the project is two years on its way, the outcomes of the discussion serve as an input for improving the current solution development.

In the coming months, the MOBISTYLE team will translate the key takeaways from these discussions into specific requirements for the MOBISTYLE Open Users Platform.

Next MCAB gathering is going to be organized as part of the international conference CLIMA 2019 (26-29 May 2019, Bucharest, Romania) where MOBISTYLE project is organizing a special MCAB related working session.

Through facilitating a workshop with an open discussion between the MCAB members, the team would like to come to a further exchange of ideas, discuss the usability of the improved MOBISTYLE solutions and discuss the MOBISTYLE exploitation strategy with these important market players from the MCAB.

MOBISTYLE workshop in full swing at the BEHAVE 2018 conference!


The MOBISTYLE workshop was organized during the BEHAVE conference, on 5 Sep 2018 in Zurich, aiming to bring together EU research projects having the same objective: to improve buildings occupants behavior leading to more energy conscious everyday building usage. In this view, the expertise and lessons learnt of four H2020 sister projects funded in the same call, MOBISTYLE, ENTROPY, ChArGED and PEAKapp, were exchanged. The workshop was opened by the MOBISTYLE Project Advisor, Mr. Pau Rey Garcia, and moderated by the two members of the MOBISTYLE team, PhD Simona d'Oca and anthropology expert, PhD Dan Podjed. Through pitches introducing the sister projects and by facilitating parallel open discussions among the invited speakers (Ana Tisov – MOBISTYLE, Valeriya Azarova – PeakAPP, Anastasia Garbi – ChArGED and Alfonso Ramallo - ENTROPY), the interactive discussion emerged with attendees of the workshop. Based on the received comments and shared views from the interactive discussions, together with the presenter's visions and the concluding remarks with the moderators, the white paper will be elaborated in the coming weeks to position the sister projects into the H2020 EU scope and objectives. This paper will help improve the H2020 projects' progress and maximize the European replication impacts. 


Insights from the 4th consortium meeting


The 4th MOBISTYLE meeting was hosted by the project partner Holonix and took place in Milan, Italy during 23-24 April 2018. The main goal of the meeting was to revise the overall project's progress until the first reporting period (March 2018). Based on this revision, a detailed plan of the MOBISTYLE related activities still to be executed was done in order to come until summer 2018 to the deployment of the first ICT solutions. The consortium partners agreed on final steps covering the three areas:

  1. Revision of the MOBISTYLE Behavioural change action plan for each demonstration case

  2. Integration of the developed methodology in the MOBISTYLE ICT solutions (this lead to a development of two applications: the MOBISTYLE dashboard and the MOBISTYLE game);

  3. Demonstration case assessment and preparation for deployment.

For the first MOBISTYLE demonstration and validation cycle (starting summer 2018), it was agreed that to satisfy the identified user and demonstration case needs, the game from the mock-up of the game will be tested for the Danish and the Polish demonstration case where the first version of the dashboard will be deployed for the Italian and the Slovenian case. As realized, to nudge different behaviours it is important to connect a broad set of parameters (data types coming from the sensors) and look at the interrelations among them. The main challenge is how to connect all different sensing devices from different sources to the single central MOBISTYLE platform and how to then in semi-real time disclose the right information back to the different users (give suggestions on more energy efficient actions). Furthermore, in order to prevent that effect of raised awareness about energy conscious building usage does not die away quickly, the sufficient awareness campaigns need to be organized once the solutions will be deployed. As the MOBISTYLE team agreed, the ICT solutions deployment cannot be seen as a stand-alone measure but the aim is to embed them in long-term awareness campaigns. A well-designed communication and information strategy will be devised together with the demonstration case holders and will lay a foundation for building a trust between end-users and MOBISTYLE consortium/demonstration case holders. The goal is to bring these two sides together where end-users trust the MOBISTYLE team an understand the applications operate in their interest (benefits of energy conscious behaviour presented in a language they speak).

During the first evaluation period, the building occupants will be included in the usability testing and engaged learning to see whether they find the solutions attractive and how do they use the solutions. Their feedback will be used to improve the solutions for the second demonstration cycle as this is one of the aspects of the people-centred approach: create with and for people.

During the meeting, there was also a 2 hours joint workshop to exchange lessons learnt between MOBISTYLE and its sister project H2020 enCOMPASS project (funded in the same call 2016) where enCOMPASS coordinator Professor Piero Fraternali (POLIMI) joined the MOBISTYLE meeting. Both project representatives agreed that this workshop was useful to not just exchange lessons learnt so far but also to brainstorm on current and future challenges in the area of ICT solution development encouraging behaviour change. This also led to a decision that MOBISTYLE will host a workshop as a pre-conference event during the BEHAVE conference on 5 September 2018, 9.00-12.00, together with the MOBISTYLE H2020 sister projects financed between 2014 and 2016; MOBISTYLE, ENTROPY, ChArGED, PEAKapp, GAIA, GREENSOUL and GREENPLAY. It is possible to register for the conference and the MOBISTYLE workshop at the following link:

The goal of the workshop is to come to an exchange of ideas between the projects, share the projects’ lessons learned, brainstorm on current and future challenges in the area of ICT solutions encouraging behavior change. Outcomes of this workshop intend to document actionable new ideas in a form of a position or white paper. This paper will help improve the H2020 projects’ progress and maximize the European replication impacts.


Figure: H2020 sister projects MOBISTYLE and enCOMPASS exchanging lessons learnt so far during the 4th MOBISTYLE consortium meeting.

3rd edition of the MOBISTYLE Newsletter is out!


​We invite you to read our 3rd Newsletter! In this edition, we present the recently developed MOBISTYLE behavioural intervention action plan that will be implemented for the five demonstration sites. We hope you will enjoy reading this issue!


Peter Op 't Veld
Huygen Installatie Adviseurs B.V.
Urmonderbaan 22 (Gate 2), Gebouw 220 6167 RD Sittard-Geleen, The Netherlands
T: +3188 0322222
T his project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 723032.