Case 4: Smart city Wroclaw, Poland
In the area of the city of Wrocław there is the Smart City project implemented by TAURON’s subsidiary company - TAURON Dystrybucja acting as a Distribution System Operator. The scope of this ongoing initiative includes installation of measurement infrastructure and integration with existing IT systems.
The quantitative objectives of MOBISTYLE concern ~1000 households from 170.000 customers with already installed group. The selection of a dedicated group will be part from all population of installed meters, because amount of installed smart meters are increasing day by day. The expected savings of the first smart meters group is estimated at 15% on a total of 2100kWh/yr/household by dedicated information campaigns in compare with energy consumption before starting of the project. Mobistyle activities will be carry out with are implementing a TAURON’s line of smart home devices in almost parallel time with “Smart City Wrocław” project. The first device submitted for testing by customers is smart plug communicates via wifi to the database, accessible by mobile phone.