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Highskillz | HS | United Kingdom


HighSkillz is an innovative company focused on user transformation using ICT technology, namely serious games, gamification and social media. The company combines strong R&D capabilities vying commercial viability of research results. Based on solid theoretical knowledge and experimental data, HighSkillz's solutions allow unique highly personalized experiences that contribute decisively to increase the readiness and competitiveness of organizations.

Main role in MOBISTYLE

HighSkillz will focus on the understanding of the user behaviours to encourage and develop the appropriate incentives framework to embody in the gamification of the MOBISTYLE environment. In addition, HighSkillz will use innovative technologies (i.e serious gaming, augmented reality, gamification) to support the user in better decision making. HighSkillz has an invested interest in the outcome of the project, with contributions to work package 4 on ICT tool development, specifically on gamification and work package 5 on business development.​

Peter Op 't Veld
Huygen Installatie Adviseurs B.V.
Urmonderbaan 22 (Gate 2), Gebouw 220 6167 RD Sittard-Geleen, The Netherlands
T: +3188 0322222
T his project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 723032.