Huygen (HIA) is with 55 employees one of the oldest (est. 1939), independent and leading SME consulting companies in the Netherlands. Its fields of expertise are: building services, building physics, sustainable building, ventilation, acoustics, energy, environment, indoor air quality, and fire regulations both in consulting in practice and in applied scientific research work. HIA has extended experience with integrated design approach integrated NZE renovation and re-use of buildings within national and international projects
Main role in MOBISTYLE
Main tasks in the project is the work package 1 Management and coordination and the 7 Communication, training and dissemination. HIA will bring - besides their bureau knowledge - their expertise from IEA Annex 53, Annex 66 and the TRECO projects on real energy use in relation with user behaviour, the monitoring database on user behaviour and energy parameters from the TRECO projects on the 3 Development of methodologies and on 5 Development of modular information services and business applications. HIA will also contribute to a large extent to last work package 7 on dissemination and will perform the monitoring for the Demonstration case 4 Health care centre Mosae Vita.
Key persons involved
MSc. Peter op 't Veld MOBITSYLE Project Coordinator is Senior Consultant at HIA. He has studied Building Technology at the Technical University of Eindhoven the Netherlands and graduated in physical aspects of the built environment. His key qualifications are consulting and applied scientific research on renewable energy, indoor air quality, ventilation, building physics, acoustics, dissemination of knowledge and building regulations. He has a part time position as visiting professor at University of Hasselt, Belgium (Building services and Building Physics). Peter Op ´t Veld is an experienced coordinator of several European projects and an initiator and lead participant in national research projects. | |
MSc. Eric Willems studied Applied Physics at the Technical University of Delft the Netherlands. His present position is Senior Consultant for sustainable energy and special projects. The last decade Eric has been focussing on (energy neutral) district development and integrating sustainable energy sources in the built environment. He has been a key consultant in various projects and a participant in an international research collaboration for sustainable districts and cities. His main expertise is integrated design on building physics and technical installations in (near) energy neutral projects. He has been involved as project leader in several major projects on district development as well as on real energy use and occupant behaviour.
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MSc. Ana Tisov finished her BSc in Civil Engineering in Slovenia and graduated as a Master of Science in Architectural Engineering from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). During her studies, she worked in an architectural bureau in the field of energy consulting and as a teacher assistant at DTU where the scope of the course was on integrated design of buildings. In her thesis project, she developed new indicators and key figures which can be used for simultaneous analysis of energy and indoor environment quality for modern buildings. As a civil engineer with experience in energy optimization of buildings and generated indoor environment, she joined a research team of Huygen Installatie Adviseurs where she works on different research projects within the EU research programme "Horizon 2020".
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MSc. Loes Visser studied Building Physics at the Technical University of Eindhoven the Netherlands. Prior to her master she received an engineering degree from Avans University of Applied Science. She has a full-time position at Huygen Installatie Adviseurs as Project Engineer, Researcher. Her main focus is on real energy use and occupant behavior in the built environment. Previous to her position at Huygen Installatie Adviseurs she finished a course at the Environment Department of the province Mid and West Brabant, where afterwards she became an Energy Ambassador. In this position she made recommendations to home owners about the energy efficiency of their house and their energy consumption. | |
Dr. Simona d'Oca is a project leader at Huygen Installatie Adviseurs where she specializes in energy efficiency projects, with a focus on methodologies for individual and collective behavioural action plans, persuasive feedback communication system supported by ICT tools, innovation in construction systems for deep renovation practices and user-centric stakeholder participation. Born in Italy, 1988. Simona has a Cum Laude Master Degree in Architecture from the Energy Department Polytechnic of Turin and holds a joint PhD in Technology Innovation for the Built Environment from the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. Her work aims to uncover the best practices to support architects, energy modelers, building operator and managers, as well as policymakers on how to incorporate the human-building interaction into sustainable buildings towards net-zero energy communities.
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