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​Holonix | HOLX | Italy

HOLONIX was established in 2010 at the Faculty of Engineering Management of the Polytechnic University of Milan, after years of international research conducted by its founders. The goal of Holonix is to aid companies in innovating their products, processes and services, in terms of production, logistics, maintenance, assistance and so on, by implementing an Internet of Things approach that creates added value in product lifecycle knowledge. Holonix focuses on the Lifecycle Data and Knowledge Management, and its core solution is the “i-LiKe” (intelligent Lifecycle data and Knowledge) platform which is composed of several modules that can be easily customized to satisfy different requirements of different customers.

Main role in MOBISTYLE

In Mobistyle Holonix will lead work package 5 on Development of ICT and modular information services and business applications. Holonix will also support on how to bring the tools and services to the market.​ 

Peter Op 't Veld
Huygen Installatie Adviseurs B.V.
Urmonderbaan 22 (Gate 2), Gebouw 220 6167 RD Sittard-Geleen, The Netherlands
T: +3188 0322222
T his project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 723032.